Complete this quote: “If we considered the number of possible circuits, we would…”

How would you complete the following quote by Gerald M. Edelman & Giulio Tononi?

“If we considered the number of possible circuits, we would…”

Jokes inside BonBons (aka crackers) rarely elicit more than a groan. During the last week of festivities, I was the awardee of the following bonbon joke:
Q. Why did the scientist install a knocker on his door?
A. In order to win the no-bell prize.
This bonbon vignette has inspired our weekly “Complete this quote”. This week’s quote comes from page 38 of the book A Universe of Consciousness: How matter becomes imagination by nobel laureate Gerald M. Edelman & Professor of Psychiatry Giulio Tononi (New York: Basic Books, 2000, p38). A slightly different version of the quote can also be found in Edelman’s brilliant Daedalus article, Building a Picture of the Brain (Vol. 127, 1998). But for now, we are opening the opportunity for you to decide how you would complete the unfinished phrase above. Please leave your reply below.

How would you complete the following quote?

“If we considered the number of possible circuits, we would…”

Published by

Paul Mason

I am a biomedically trained social anthropologist interested in biological and cultural diversity.

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